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China’s CCTV says blockchain 10 times more valuable than web

On China's main state broadcaster CCTV, a detailed discussion about blockchain was held. During the discussion, viewers were educated about the new technology and...

China’s President Xi Jinping recognizes Blockchain as a breakthrough technology

In a speech this week, Chinese President Xi Jinping stated that the Blockchain technology has breakthrough applications. He said: "A new generation of technology represented...

China’s “Mr. Blockchain” visited Switzerland

Da Hongfei, founder of the blockchain platform Neo, visited Zürich and was interviewed by Martina Fuchs from CNN Money Switzerland. In the interview, Mr....

One of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges in the world plans to...

Bitfinex, which is the world’s fifth largest crypto trading platform in terms of trading volume, plans to relocate from Hong Kong to the Swiss...

Alibaba considers using blockchain technology for the T-Mall platform

Alibaba considers to adapt blockchain technology for its cross-border chain of T-Mall. The project will be done in cooperation with Cainiao, a (smart) logistics...


京东将利用区块链技术向消费者证明其所售肉类产品的真实性。 当这项技术在7月份实施时,消费者将会收到一系列信息,包括牲畜饲养方式、肉类加工方式、运输方式以及储存地点等。 区块链常被用于追踪食物,例如,帮助杂货店追踪食物传播疾病的来源。在中国,通过使用区块链可确保消费者所购的进口肉类货真价实,而非假冒产品,食品安全对中国消费者而言是重中之重,而当前市场上依然充斥着许多假冒伪劣商品。


瑞士经济部长约翰·施奈德-阿曼 (Johann Schneider-Ammann)正在为加密货币进行游说。他在接受SRF采访时做出评论,加密货币构成了“第四次工业革命的一部分”,瑞士政府正在查验这种货币将带来的可能性与机会,同时也在密切关注其可能带来的潜在风险。他认为,加密货币目前正处于起步阶段,尚存在诸多风险。他还表示,现在来讨论加密货币是否应该监管还“为时太早”。他曾表示,楚格州,也就是俗称的加密谷(Crypto Valley),其经验可以使大家获益良多。或许加密谷仅仅是一个开端,未来的“加密国家”可能由此而产生。


Renminbi Hub in Switzerland has 13 partner banks

In 2016, the China Construction Bank (CBC) established the Renminbi Hub in Switzerland and since then, is developing cross-border business with the currency in...